What can a Reiki Healing do for You?
Increases overall sense of well-being
Calms, relaxes and aides your body in removing stress
Eases emotional pain
Decreases physical pain
Aides in acceleration of healing process
Strengthens immune system
Increases energy levels
Provide clarity for decision making
Help you gain clarity and insight on an issue or life path
Compliments your medical and alternative therapies
Non-Intrusive, Is a safe and natural healing process
Promotes your personal and spiritual growth
Can comfort you in times of loss
Be used as preventative care
Provides emotional, mental and spiritual support
Removes energy blockages and so much more!
Distance Reiki is a great option for people who cannot come in and lay down for a hands on Reiki session. For example, perhaps you are living in different location, or time is an issue. Reiki can be sent to a person, situation time or place. As a Reiki Master I have the ability to send the healing to you. Sending Reiki is possible because energy is not confined and can transcend time and space so it is easily transmitted anywhere. At first, this concept may be a little hard to grasp but clients that have done distance healing sessions have reported that they feel less stressed and even decreased pain and some have felt my presence. I invite you to my testimony page for actual testimonies of clients who have received distance healing sessions from me.
Distance Healing
Hands-On Healing
Every Reiki session is unique to each individual person. Every person has different needs. You can choose to discuss your needs with the practitioner or not. Reiki works either way.
You will remain clothed so dress comfortable.
Allow your self about 10-15 minutes before the session to unwind and 10-15 minutes after to regroup.
During the session you will just relax and enjoy your Reiki experience!